Thank you. God has answered. I was able to get white ceramic brackets instead of the metal ones, so you can't even see the braces until you get up close. So at least some of my dignity was preserved.
Until now.
Get ready for some good pics. Fortunately for all of you (not for me), my dad came with me to my ortho appointment and acted as photographer. And he captured some gems. I know I'm gonna regret posting these. Too late now.
Thanks Dad. I look awesome. Goodbye dignity.
At least my eyebrows look good.
After getting them on; you can barely see them!
The first thing I did after leaving the ortho office was to hit up SA for the $.99 any size icee. As my brother wisely put it, "Why would ANYONE want the small size when they can get the huge one for the same price??" Amen, Andrew, amen. Truer words have never been spoken. These icees are the perfect cure for sore teeth. Well, actually the cure for just about anything.
Two days later, I'm almost used to the braces. It's still a bit of a shock when I look in the mirror, though. Whatevs, I can totally rock the middle school look.
Middle school selfie on photo booth:
Omg braces LOL
Hi there. I'm an adult in NYC who's had some bite/headache issues. On advice of my dentist, I sought two opinions from orthodontists in the area, both of who have pressed for a similar treatment plan. This was 2 months ago, of course, and I'm just paralyzed, unable to make the decision. The thought of braces as an adult is daunting and scary. May I ask what got you over the hump to just go ahead and start the process? Also, why is it so crazy expensive???? Thanks for any thoughts you may have - Dave